A couple of weeks ago I took advantage of the long memorial day weekend to finally rebuild my computer, which I had put off for about a year. Partly the wait was for Windows 7 to get some feet under it, and part of it was just my not having the time to actually do it.
Origami Update
As requested by Mom from my last origami post, here is my latest creation: origami bulldog. Now you have to give him a name.
Aquarium Update
I figured I would update you all on the status of my aquarium. Eric and I took the remaining fish to Plano Pets a couple of weeks ago, and I began the process of converting the tank.
Origami Update
Aquarium Repurposing Plans
There's something I've been pondering over for a bit of time now. I guess it all started when I had so much trouble with the whole breeding debacle a couple of months ago, but really it's been a long time coming. Ever since I've had my aquarium set up, it has always been used as a freshwater aquatic environment. I've never done anything besides that with it. Many of you know how fond I am of nature documentaries and stuff like that, and I'd started thinking about possibly repurposing my tank to house a variety of salamander. Particularly tiger salamanders. These are terrestrial but need some water for cooling off and laying eggs. So, needless to say I would need to completely rework the current environment of my tank, as it is right now.
My Fabulous Fig Tree
After a two week delay due to an outrageously unseasonal snow event, as well as my own health problems, This past Saturday my father, a friend, and me planted a brand new fig tree in my backyard! Huzzah! It really is sort of interesting how this all came about in the first place, as I really had no plans to plant a tree in my backyard until about a month and a half ago.
Oops...They Did It Again...
Big Jack The Ripper and his little dame Jackelyn have done it yet again. After the last event, the signs were rather apparent ahead of time. Knowing that a little brood was on the way, I took the opportunity to snap a couple of photos of them. Normally they are too timid to get the chance. One thing to notice is how considerably darker little Jackelyn is compared to Big Jack. This seems to happen only when she's on the verge of birth. She spends most of her time under cover during this time, and as a result grows extremely dark. Normally she is about the same hue as he is. Alright, that's all for now. I expect some more baby evac. in the near future.
Jack Attack
There was quite a lot of interesting aquarium-related activity last weekend. In retrospect, though, I guess I noticed some general behavioral changes a week or two prior. There seemed to be an unusual amount of gravel rearranging, plants being uprooted, and a general reforming of the floor of the aquarium. What used to be a nicely sloping gravel floor was become rather mountainous and hilly. There were large heaps of gravel in some places and deep valleys in between. At the time I wrote this off as something my little loach was doing in search of food, since they are notorious diggers. Since then I have since seen the light.
New Rug
Much Anticipate Event
Well, the time has finally come! I have passed the construction site every day for the past year or so and waited for its completion with bated breath...haha. A little over dramatic maybe, but que cera. Anyway, the project is finally complete and
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