Just after Christmas, I had a bit of credit that had accumulated over time in my Amazon account. Some of it was from promo stuff I had done. Some of it was from refunds on items that had dropped in price. A lot of it was from a gift that my sister gave me for my birthday that I ended up returning.
Well, after all of the gift exchanging had happened for the holidays, I decided to use that credit to get one of the items that was remaining on my 'want list'. So, I searched through Amazon's selection of rugs, and found this one for my front entry area. It arrived yesterday! I took a few pictures for all to see. So, after all was said and done, I like to think this rug was a b-day gift from my sister.
Looks really good! Perfect size and seems to pull in all the colors of the room. I have a sample piece that looks almost identical if you want it for another area of your house. Maybe the entry way.