

Main Computer Rebuild

A couple of weeks ago I took advantage of the long memorial day weekend to finally rebuild my computer, which I had put off for about a year.  Partly the wait was for Windows 7 to get some feet under it, and part of it was just my not having the time to actually do it.
So about three weeks ago I ordered all of the parts I knew I was going to need from and went about installing the Saturday of memorial day weekend.  Sunday and Monday were primarily consumed with reinstalling of my software and configuring it to my liking.  Following is a basic parts list of the stuff I got and also some pictures I took while doing it.  The only thing I still have left to add is a new video card.  I will probably get one of those in a month or so.
Two weeks have passed, and I must say Windows 7 is outstanding, and I am very happy that I finally found the time (and patience) to finally execute this.
Until next time...

Old Computer System
New Motherboard
New Memory (left) vs Old Memory (right)
New Memory In Box
New Memory Unboxed
New Processor and Processor Fan
New Processor Fan (left) vs. Old Processor Fan (right)
New Computer System Installed

Processor and Memory close-up


  1. Wow got to be pretty smaRT TO DO THAT.guess having a Masters in Compouter Science helps a bit huh.

  2. Haha, I assure you there was not computer system building course. :D Actually this experience all came earlier when I worked part time at CompUSA. I haven't had a computer that I haven't custom built since then (desktop that is).
