My New (Thanksgiving) Fan
I am pleased to report that my final (for now) ceiling fan installation went off without a hitch. Huzzah! With the aide of my father I was able to finish up the second of my recent ceiling fan upgrades. If you recall from an earlier post, I had replaced the ceiling fan in my bedroom when I moved in 2 years ago. I replaced the ceiling fan in my library a few months ago with a fan almost identical to my bedroom fan. Then, on Thanksgiving day, my father and I finished up on the living room fan. This one was a larger model, which was more appropriate for the size of a living room, but with the same color scheme and similar style to the other two. Pictures follow...
Ceiling Fan Plan
So Far, So...
Well my hopes seem to have been fulfilled, as the last couple of weekends have been 'event free' and extremely peaceful. Needless to say, a huge relief considering the back to back to back awful weekends I had before. I didn't post anything until now, so as to avoid jinxing anything. So, I'm hoping for a three-peat this weekend to match the three-peat of awfulness prior. Again, I almost did not post this, so I would not jinx this. So, I'm going to end it hear and cut it short. All going well, I should finally have an update next week with some follow up I mentioned a while back about some house work that I was actually planning to do: ceiling fan replacements. Until next time...
(Oh yeah, I completely forgot: happy halloween.)
(Oh yeah, I completely forgot: happy halloween.)
Dish Washer Woes
So much for the last of my weekend woes... The weekend of peace and restfulness I hoped for in my last post came true...almost. Again, at the very end, just like the weekend before, things just seem to always take a big dump on my. This time it took the form of me waking up Monday morning to counter top and nearby floor puddled in water. This is after running the dish-washer overnight.
File Server Woes
In Pursuit Of A Convict

In my previous post I discussed one of the two major headaches that I've been trying to fight for a few months with regard to my aquarium: my high rate of plecostomus turnover. The other headache involved the attempted capture of my last remaining convict cichlid. Well, along with my renewed efforts to keep a longer living pleco in tact I also found some resolution on the second front: I finally captured my convict!!!
My Problems with Plecos

When I first set up my 46 Gallon tank years ago, I started off with the easiest to maintain population of fresh water fish: community fish. These are non-aggressive easy-to-care-for fish that are most suitable for beginners. And as this was my first tank, it was the obvious choice. However, the selection for these types of fish can become a bit on the mundane side, and the majority of breeds in this category tend to be less eye-catching.
New Microwave Is In!!!
After last weekends near mental break down when my much-loved microwave suddenly went dead, I can finally drink my tea in peace once again. What an ordeal! My new one came in on Thursday, and my colleague and friend Eric was kind enough to help me mount it in place this morning. After a quick setup I was happily microwaving anew. Yay!
Update on Asia and New Books!
After my groundbreaking (for me at least) decisions that prompted the last post, I informed a few close, and very trusted people to see what they thought of it all. Overall, the response was encouraging and positive. I felt extremely relieved by the feedback I heard. Obviously there was some concern that if I chose to do something like this, that it's for the right reason. I truly think it is.
My Asian Ambitions
In the past week, I had a revelation of sorts. I started to think about what in the world I would do if the unthinkable occurred and I lost my job at Oracle. I guess this is a somewhat understandable train of thought considering the state of today's economy, but it isn't anything I'd invested much thought in before. I have long had good relationships with my colleagues and in particular my direct manager. So, I'd never really given the idea much consideration.
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