

Dish Washer Woes

So much for the last of my weekend woes... The weekend of peace and restfulness I hoped for in my last post came true...almost. Again, at the very end, just like the weekend before, things just seem to always take a big dump on my. This time it took the form of me waking up Monday morning to counter top and nearby floor puddled in water. This is after running the dish-washer overnight.
Can I ever get some peace? I mean seriously...someone must have put a hex on me or something. Not only is every weekend a new sources of incredible stress, but all of these problems also come with the expense of resolving them. The costs sure pile up after all of these events, which in turn causes MORE STRESS...argh!
It appears that this water was a result of some kind of clog in the washing machine line that caused the rinse water to evacuate the overflow valve, instead of the usual drain. So I have an appointment with a plumber this afternoon for unclogging the pipe. Hopefully this weekend's latest event will be resolved then. I can't wait to see what's in store for this next weekend...yay...

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