

Origami Update

Not much to post today.  But here is the two newest origami.
This one I made a couple of weeks ago:


Aquarium Repurposing Plans

There's something I've been pondering over for a bit of time now.  I guess it all started when I had so much trouble with the whole breeding debacle a couple of months ago, but really it's been a long time coming.  Ever since I've had my aquarium set up, it has always been used as a freshwater aquatic environment.  I've never done anything besides that with it.  Many of you know how fond I am of nature documentaries and stuff like that, and I'd started thinking about possibly repurposing my tank to house a variety of salamander.  Particularly tiger salamanders.  These are terrestrial but need some water for cooling off and laying eggs.  So, needless to say I would need to completely rework the current environment of my tank, as it is right now.


New Origami

Here's some new origami I've done since my original origami post.


My Fabulous Fig Tree

 After a two week delay due to an outrageously unseasonal snow event, as well as my own health problems, This past Saturday my father, a friend, and me planted a brand new fig tree in my backyard!  Huzzah!  It really is sort of interesting how this all came about in the first place, as I really had no plans to plant a tree in my backyard until about a month and a half ago.



Needless to say there has been a lot going on and I haven't posted here in a while. So here goes.  In addition to my weekly online Chinese lessons, I've taken up the beautiful Japanese art of paper folding.  There is a great site that has tons of diagrams and animations: Origami Club.  I've only done a few so far with varying success.  Here are a few of them.